Monday, July 31, 2006


Perhaps inevitably, illness has struck! Following two really good days of runs and with confidence at an all-time high sickness has stolen in. Traced from Joshua to Lisa, I have now succumbed and the training schedule is on hold, but hopefully not for too long?!

A rest can't do too much harm, can it?!

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Training (b)log - the story so far (week four)

5 sessions; 35 miles; Total running time: 4hr 16m 46secs

A first - for 2006

This morning I was back running south of the river (briefly). The 12 mile run took me over Tower Bridge, past City Hall, and through Borough Market before crossing back across the Thames and home along the A11.

It was nice to be south again, but it was so much nicer to go home (in 1:31:26).

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Nice one!

This morning was definitely one of those days when I would've been very happy to stay in bed. It was very tempting to feed Joshua and then to return to bed for another hour.

Generally as I give Joshua his milk I tentatively stretch off a bit, just to see how I'm feeling (you've got to 'listen' to your body you know!) and as I did this morning I wasn't quite sure. But yesterday was a rest day, so if at all possible I had to go out today. What swung it was that I was tryong a new route for an 'easy' 5 miler.

At least that was the plan.

As I got going I actually found I was feeling quite good and got into it all quite easily withthe first mile going past in a little over 7 minutes (it probably should've been at 8.5-9 minute pace). Unfortunately I hadn't taken any notice of any further mile 'markers' so I wasn't really aware of my pace generally.

That was until the loop headed back and I passed the first mile marker (now the 4 mile marker) and realised I was on for a decent time. It's worth noting at this point that tomorrow's goal (and indeed the 'goal' of the last 4 weeks) was to run either a sub-40 6M or sub-32 5M - neither of which I really held any hope of achieving (not yet anyway). But as I glanced at my watch with a mile to go and saw that it was just passing the 26 minute mark I felt compelled to see how close I could get to the 32 minute mark.

I reckon I made a lot of noise as I puffed and panted my way through Stratford High Street to the 'finish', but it was worth it, well worth it, as the clock stopped at 31:45.

To say I was chuffed is an understatement. I felt good and was really encouraged to think that hopefully if I'd actually set out for a fast time I would be able to go faster. But only time will tell?!

I knew those fartleks were a good idea!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

A bad combination?

I don't know if it's just the heat or if I need to address my diet and start including some more energy-inducing produce, but I was feeling tired today. I still managed the required 8M in 60:31, but I felt tired.

Perhaps kids clubs and early morning runs don't go - especially in the middle of a heatwave?!

I think there's a good chance tomorrow will be a rest day!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

If the Chinese ever run out of torture techniques..

... they could do worse than try fartleks!

Today's idea, following a 1 mile jog, was to run 'fast' for 3 minutes (0.5 miles) - jog for 1 minute - run 'fast' for 3 minutes - jog for 1 minute etc... 7 times!

Now the first three minute 'burst' seemed OK and the 1 minute 'rest' was nice too, but as the repititions went on the three minutes seemed to get longer while the rest breaks got shorter - funny that! Mind you I could say the same about the fartlek sessions in general - it's only one (painful!) day but it doesn't half come round quickly!

Thankfully the 6 fartleky miles (41:24) have been done for another week.

Monday, July 24, 2006

week four - day one

It dawned on me today (because I'm sharp like!) that by the end of the week my training for Cardiff will be one-quarter complete (25% if you prefer). How it's flown! Before I know it, it'll all be over and I'll be facing a cold winter preparing for London 2007.

Such were my musings as I shuffled the proscribed 4 miles from where I'd started (31:38 earlier) back to where I finished?!

My specific musical highlight was the Soup Dragons (which I hadn't heard for about 10 years!) and generally the return of Chris Moyles to do his own 'international' show - lazy toad!

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Training (b)log - the story so far (week three)

5 sessions; 31 miles; Total running time: 4hr 0m 31secs

Early in the morning...

...while it was still dark (actually at this time of year its perfectly light, but its still really early!), he arose and prepared his sermon while running to Tower Bridge.

Urged on by the austere finger-wagging effigy of William Booth and his neighbouring bust, I can confirm that E15 to the 'tower' and back again constitutes a run of 10 miles and that 1hr 17min and 1 sec is long enough to put together/finalise some thoughts for preaching. Actually I should probably wait until I've shared these 'thoughts' before claiming anything!

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Training (b)log

An 'easy' 5 miles in 39:50 dedicated to Jonny - the Birthday boy!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

It may sound silly...

...but you've got to run quite a way to run 7 miles. Certainly around here anyway where there are no obvious long routes - you end up weaving in and out all over the show! it's a job remebering where you're going! Still, the future Olympic site was succesfully circumnavigated (with a few little extra bits it came to the required 'slow' 7M) in 55:02.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Flamin' fartleks!

Frustratingly, everything you read about running quicker seems to agree that 'fartleks' are essential - something about pain and gain probably! Anyway, after the intial jogged mile (8:11) the three miles that followed were 6 'minuters' with a little big of 'recovery' in between and a final mile jog to finish. All done (5M) by 7am in 38:32. Until next week's fart-session!

Monday, July 17, 2006

Week three already!

Four very hot miles (and it was still only 7am!) though East Ham again (I initially left teh 's' out of East which changed the place name into a meat-eating instruction!). Anyway, hot, bothered and probably a little tired from yesterday, I shuffled round in 30:46.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Training (b)log - the story so far (week two)

5 sessions; 26 miles (18 of them in Wales!); Total running time: 3hr 16m 10secs

The long one!

In the scheme of things this run probably isn't that 'long' but you've got to start somewhere. So today I did (start!) and finished back where I'd started some 8 miles and 58minutes 55 seconds later. Then it was off to church!

Friday, July 14, 2006

Roll on October!

Following yesterdays rest day - although no-one told Joshua, so it was still an early morning(!) - it was my last run (4M 27:29) in Wales before the marathon in October - hope its a bit faltter in Cardiff!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Training (b)log

Thankfully just a straight forward 6 mile run this morning. Found a nice (relatively flat!) 3 mile circuit with the 'job' done in 45:46

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

If I could hate...

..I'd hate Fartleks. Still my first one is out of the way - 4miles run in 31:09

Monday, July 10, 2006

I think I might be an 'Urban Runner'

It might be good to look at, but the countryside is no place to run! No pavements, patchy radio reception and 1 in 4 slopes do not make for a pleasant running experience!

Then on top of that every blinkin' house seemed to have a dog of some description whose hobby it was to menacingly bark and chase any unsuspecting runners who were daft enough to run past! As much as I try to convince Lisa that I'm not actually scared of dogs I must admit that I don't like the way they made me feel as I was puffing and panting my way through North Wales.

With all the hills/dogs etc 32:41 for my first 4 Welsh miles was fine.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Training (b)log - the story so far (week one)

Acknowledging that when it comes to re-commencing one's running 'career' discretion is definitely the better part of valour and having 'adapted' the programme a little week one has been a pretty comfortable and enjoyable reminder of the joys of running - even the early mornings have been OK! There really is something nice about having run and being showered by 7am ready for the day feeling that whatever else happens (or doesn't!) in the day ahead, you've achieved something!

Anyway, week one, the numbers:

4 sessions; 17 miles; Total running time: 2hr 8m 39secs

'I love it when a plan comes together!'

Now there are two reasons why it'll be a long time before I ever lie in again in a Saturday. Firstly, and undoubtedly most unavoidably - Joshua. He has yet to grasp any customary difference between weekdays and weekends. So everyday pretty much without fail he will awaken around 6am and want some milk before lightly dosing for another half hour or so. Secondly, and temptingly avoidable (especially when wet!), this running lark.

This morning though, it all worked like clock-work - non-raining clock-work! Joshua came to just before 6am, I got up, gave him his milk, he dropped off again so I laced up and headed out. Just as I arrived back and was cooling down Joshua came to again and was ready to face the day. The beauty being that I'd completed my 5M run (40:10) for the day and Lisa hadn't yet been called into action - wonderful!

Running soundtrack included Richard Ashcroft, Orson, and Aztec Camera

Thursday, July 06, 2006


The running schedule I'm following assumes that I've regularly been doing 25-30miles every week - the truth being I've probably not run 30 miles since last years marathon!

So yesterday I 'adapted' the schedule and opted for a rest day - you've got to build these things up!

Anyway, today I was back on 'the plan' which told me I had to do 4M 'steady' in 29 minutes (roughly), so things were stepping up. Mind you the thought of a 29minute 4-miler didn't sound 'steady'. Still, it was good to stretch the legs a bit and I actually finished in 27:03. I know it really isn't about the times (certainly not at this stage), but I can't help clock watching, here are the breakdowns:

1M - 6:50
2M - 13:40 (6:50)
3M - 20:25 (6:45)
4M - 27:03 (6:38)

I certainly didn't feel like I was getting faster! Thankfully tomorrows another rest day (and this one is on the schedule!).

[Musical inspiration came from Dirty Little Things, The Bluetones and Neneh Cherry]

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

The hardest day - the day after the first?!

I can confirm that it was even hot at 6am today! Well just after 6 really, but I certainly wouldn't have wanted to be running much later. Anyway day two, and so far the early morning are proving do-able. Mind you, it's probably only due to the uncomfortable heat that means that getting up (even to start running!) is a blest relief. We'll see. Anyway...

day two: 4M (slow) 30:30 (the knees are feeling OK) According to the training schedule 'easy' is slower than 'slow' - I guess that's why its 'easy'?!

Musical inspiration this morning came from Oasis, Blink 182 & Razorlight (amongst others).

Monday, July 03, 2006

Day One!

Accompanied by Snow Patrol, Franz Ferdinand and The Zutons I started training for the Cardiff marathon(some time in October I think?!). And it was an early morning of firsts...

My first day training in East London.
My first day training in the middle of a heatwave!
My first day training with a young son awaiting my return.

Who needs an alarm for these early morning runs!

So far so good 4 miles 'easy' in 30:56 we'll see how the knees are feeling tomorrow morning!