Saturday, July 08, 2006

'I love it when a plan comes together!'

Now there are two reasons why it'll be a long time before I ever lie in again in a Saturday. Firstly, and undoubtedly most unavoidably - Joshua. He has yet to grasp any customary difference between weekdays and weekends. So everyday pretty much without fail he will awaken around 6am and want some milk before lightly dosing for another half hour or so. Secondly, and temptingly avoidable (especially when wet!), this running lark.

This morning though, it all worked like clock-work - non-raining clock-work! Joshua came to just before 6am, I got up, gave him his milk, he dropped off again so I laced up and headed out. Just as I arrived back and was cooling down Joshua came to again and was ready to face the day. The beauty being that I'd completed my 5M run (40:10) for the day and Lisa hadn't yet been called into action - wonderful!

Running soundtrack included Richard Ashcroft, Orson, and Aztec Camera


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