Saturday, August 19, 2006

Jesus, pride & the humility provider

When Jesus was walking about the place he once chatted about the fact that it's really hard to hide a city that sits on a hill and that you'd be daft to light a lamp and then stick it under a bowl (or some similar covering?!). In 'running speak' I'd paraphrase that to mean 'if you run a personal best time, you'd be daft not to blog about it' (in passing you understand!). If I've got this wrong, please forgive me and ignore the following...

It was Lisa'a fault anyway! She was heading into town with Joshua as I was setting off for a 5 mile run. Conscious that she was watching on I probably set off a little quicker than normal(!) and I guess things just carried on from there. Besides, last one back home was on the teas! A race is a race! And I 'won' it in 28:58. Which is, so far, for me, a PB for 5 miles.

Needless to say, on her return, Lisa was suitably underwhelmed!! Don't wives just keep us humble?!


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