it's been and gone...
...'the moment of truth' that is! And the sad truth was that it didn't happen.
I may have put in a decent 3M time, but it came at a price - a dodgy hamstring! Which meant an usused ticket to Cardiff, an unpinned number and a 'fruitless' three months of training!!
When faced with challenging training schedules Tour de France legend Lance Armstrong is quoted as saying 'you'll get over the pain, but not the disappointment'. If I'm honest I was absolutely gutted when number 813 arrived in the post the day after my hamstring went. Hopefully the disappointment will be short-lived - once I get running again - there's always next year?!
I may have put in a decent 3M time, but it came at a price - a dodgy hamstring! Which meant an usused ticket to Cardiff, an unpinned number and a 'fruitless' three months of training!!
When faced with challenging training schedules Tour de France legend Lance Armstrong is quoted as saying 'you'll get over the pain, but not the disappointment'. If I'm honest I was absolutely gutted when number 813 arrived in the post the day after my hamstring went. Hopefully the disappointment will be short-lived - once I get running again - there's always next year?!